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Passive heat sink for aquaero 6 水冷控制器用散热片
- 品牌:other/其他
- 品牌:其他/other
- 适用对象:其他/other
- 散热器类型:水冷用品
- 成色:全新
- 售后服务:店铺三包

Passive heat sink for aquaero 6 水冷控制器用散热片
Passive heat sink for aquaero 6是专为AQ6设计的被动散热器,除了能起到散热和美化的作用外,还能更清楚的看到各个接口的标识,并且可以保护PCB不被外力损坏,这在接驳已经装在光驱位的AQ6时特别有帮助。散热片有黑色和红色两种,如果需要的话,还可以在Passive heat sink for aquaero 6的基础上加装原本为AQ5设计的水冷头。
Aquaero 6在负荷较低时可以不用安装这个散热器,但若通道的长期负荷都高于20W时,推荐使用这个散热器来降低温度延长器件寿命。
Mounted on an aquaero 6 controller, this passive heat sink improves heat dissipation and thereby increases the maximum power output of the fan channels. For optional active cooling, the aquaero 5 water block (art. no. 53093) can be installed on top of the passive heat sink. Passive heat sink and Real Time Clock module (art. no. 53127) can be installed simultaneously, additional mounting material is included in delivery of the passive heat sink.
Scope of delivery:
Aluminum heat sink for aquaero 6
Thermally conductive pad
Mounting material
Compatible with:
aquaero 6 PRO (53145)
aquaero 6 XT (53146)
Please note:aquaero 6 and water block are not included in delivery! If using the water block that has no second respectively narrower bump (very old version) washers must be used for mounting it. For example 6x article no. 91026 can be used.